Sonoran Mountain Ranch Booster Pump Station Project



Pump Stations
Project Details
The Sonoran Mountain Ranch Booster Pump Station (6SMR B301 BPS) supplies water to the elevated Sonoran Mountain Ranch community to the site’s neighboring Aloravita Development and provides capacity planning for future developments along the Jomax corridor. The site consists of three (3) booster pumps, a 4,000-gallon surge control system, a chlorine disinfection system, an electrical building with a standby generator, and the site is powered by APS Service. There is a state-of-the-art Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) controlling the daily operations of the site, which is connected wirelessly and through fiber optic to the city-wide SCADA control system. Due to the site’s strategic location, it is utilized as a wireless communication relay station for numerous low-lying sites in the local area with restricted access.
In response to rapid growth in north Peoria (City), the City proactively evaluated best strategies to maintain water supply to all customers while also addressing aging infrastructure. An ongoing expansion of the jointly owned Pyramid Peak Water Treatment Plant (PPWTP) will provide an additional 13 million gallons per day (MGD) to the City and will require upgrades to water facilities downstream of PPWTP, including the Sonoran Mountain Ranch (SMR) Inline Pump Station. The City worked with their design consultant to first complete a hydraulic study looking at the system and northern area pressure zones holistically. Using the hydraulic model, the City ultimately chose to convert a large area from a lower pressure zone (Zone 4T) to the upper pressure zone (Zone 5). This allowed the City to utilize and make upgrades to an existing pump station, SMR Inline Pump Station, and avoid the need to build an entirely new site, while also addressing maintenance-intensive aging infrastructure.
Jennifer Somes, PE
Engineering Supervisor, Development and Engineering Department | City of Peoria
Key Features
- Surge Control System
- Booster Pumps
- Chlorine Disinfection System