CWIP Bitters Pump Station & Segment 5-3


A isometric image of two water tanks and a house, serviced by MGC Services.

Water Reservoir

A blue robot from MGC Services on a white background.

Pump Stations

An icon of a water pipe with a faucet on it, designed for MGC Services.


Project Details


In September 2018, MGC was commissioned by San Antonio Water System to complete improvements to the Bitters Pump Station. MGC was selected via the qualifications-based Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal (RFCSP). The project consisted of the following: a 30MGD pump station, 5MG Type III Concrete Storage Tank (DN Tank), 800 LF of 36” steel pipe, 300 LF of 54” steel pipe, 2000 LF of 48” steel pipe, 2 – 60” Jack & Bore (over 100 LF), 1 – 54” Jack & Bore (over 100 LF), 800 LF of RCP (12”,24”,36” and 48”). The project also required the demolition of an existing pump station and change order work which included: PRV & Disconnects – Installation of 5 new Combo Air/Vac valves on existing 48” pipeline. 60 LF of HDD for 8” waterline. 100 LF of 24” jack & Bore. 3ea 36” disconnects. 4ea small diameter disconnects. 4ea small diameter dead end main connections. Station 63 – 400 LF of 30” HDPE, large thrust collar restraints and a 14” Cla-Val station.

Key Features

  • In Association with TetraTech
  • 30 MGD Pump Station
  • 5 MG Water Reservoir
  • 1 Mile Pipeline Segment
  • San Antonio, TX
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