Project Details
In a program consisting of a series of four projects, the Fountain Hills Sanitary
District (FHSD) retained MGC as the CMAR and Carollo as the design engineer to
rehabilitate and replace numerous aspects of the plant, including upgrades to the
infuent pump station, aerobic digester modifcations, new aerobic digester blowers,
aeration and air piping modifcations, clarifer rehabilitation, new solids thickening
and dewatering equipment, electrical upgrades, and controls upgrades. MGC/
Carollo worked to develop the necessary design drawings, cost models, MOPO
plans, GMPs, and construction phase activities to make each project successful.
Key Features
- In Association with Carollo Engineers
- Construction Manager-At-Risk (CMAR)
- Ultrafiltration
- Well Equipping
- Headworks & Solids Handling
- Advanced Water Treatment
- Fountain Hills, AZ