MGC Core Values
Words From Our Clients
"MGC participated in design review meetings with our organization and the engineer and provided valuable input based on their knowledge of the facility and expertise from similar projects. Their assistance lead to a completed project that was very well constructed and operator-friendly. We expect top-quality work from our contractors, and MGC has always delivered on our projects."
Kim NeillChandler Public Works & Utilities
"The expertise and ingenuity of MGC helped our organization to save over two hundred thousand dollars. The original plan would have left our facility idle during a lengthy shutdown. Instead, MGC proposed that we utilize the existing generators to maintain operations at the facility during the shutdown. In addition, their detailed coordination and planning in conjunction with subcontractors ultimately reduced the project duration."
Ronald D. HuberFormerly Fountain Hills Sanitary District
“We were very pleased with MGC’s performance on our headworks and lift station JOC project. MGC’s scope of work included constructability reviews of Engineer’s design for a new headworks structure at the wastewater treatment plant, to replace existing headworks equipment with a new lined concrete bar screen structure, new climber bar screen, compactor, odor scrubber, replace existing influent pumps, install new flow metering equipment, and install all associated electrical and controls. The major challenge on this project was bypassing entire plant flow for the project to be constructed.”
Susan VersluisArizona City Sanitary District
"MGC, as a major contractor on a Construction Manager at Risk project for the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, drilled and equipped 2 deep wells, constructed a 4,500 GPM coagulation / filtration Arsenic removal system, a 2.5 MG post tension fully buried reservoir, 6 booster pumps, a 5,000-gallon hydropneumatics tank, ferric chloride injection system, C02 injection system, pump station building, electrical building, filter building, and disinfection buildings, and over 6 miles of offsite pipeline ranging from 12” to 24” in existing right-of-way. MGC did a great job on this project, completed the work on time during a high demand season, and met our high expectations in the process."
Michael ByrdAssistant Public Works Director, SRP-MIC
"Working with MGC throughout the duration of a long and complex project proved to be a good experience for the City of Glendale. The thoughtful approach to many complex MOPO’s took careful planning and coordination. MGC Contractors exhibited constant professionalism for plant operations as well as safety for all personnel. As a plant manager, I can attest that the needs were met for the project and would recommend MGC contractors for any project a facility may have."
Curt KingPlant Supervisor, City of Glendale Water Services
"Thank you! To MGC Contractors for their willingness to work with us during the Value Engineering phase and for their excellent ideas, which made it possible for our organization to move forward with a project which would have otherwise been over budget."
Nathan L. MechamContract Engineer, Queen Creek Utilities Department
“Following forty-two years of project management experience and working with contractors performing construction for the Texas Water Development Board, the Lower Colorado River Authority and the City of Austin, I have had the pleasure to work with many good and several great contractors. However, I have only had the pleasure to work with two contractors that I would classify as exceptional contractors, and MGC is one of those two exceptional contractors. MGC’s exceptional performance is due in part to their detailed attention to Contract and schedule compliance, quality, safety, and customer satisfaction.”
James KingCity Project Manager, City of Austin
“I am pleased to recommend MGC Contractors as one of the premier municipal water construction companies in central Texas. They have successfully completed a wide variety of projects for New Braunfels Utilities over the last 10 years. They continue to impress with their capabilities, versatility, and efficiency with each new project. New Braunfels Utilities has received the highest quality work at the highest possible value thanks to our decision to select MGC as the Construction Manager-at-Risk. They have a highly experienced team of professionals starting with their administrative team down to their craft specialists and labor force. In addition, they employ and manage quality subcontractors who share their vision of excellence and value.”
Brent LundmarkWater Treatment & Compliance Manager, New Braunfels Utilities
“MGC went above and beyond what was expected and guided the project through the entire process making my job very easy. The level of detail and thought put into construction submittals, as well as operations and maintenance manuals expedited reviews and provided great resources for the operations staff. The level of service that MGC provided for this job has set the bar very high for other contractors. I would highly recommend MGC.”
San Antonio River Authority
“I would like to highly recommend MGC as one of the best contractors in South Central Texas. I have had the pleasure of working with MGC on several projects thus far and all were completed on-time and within budget. Their commitment to an ambitious schedule and the dedication of their expert project team helped to meet the technical, regulatory, and financial challenges of each project. They have exceeded my expectations every time.”
San Antonio Water System
“The experience that we have had with your company has been one of the best that I have had during my 42-year tenure with New Braunfels Utilities. I really appreciate the impressive detail that your staff put into the planning and construction of our Gruene Road WWTP. I would highly recommend MGC as an impressively competent and professional construction company, and I hope I have the opportunity to work with MGC on future projects.”
Orlando PeñaWastewater Superintendent, New Braunfels Utilities

Pecan WRF Expansion Progressive Design-Build

Sonoran Mounain Ranch Booster Pump Station


C.C Cragin Reservoir Water Supply


City of Scottsdale Zone 2 Improvements


City of Scottsdale Booster Pump Station #71


Site 71 Well, Pump Station, & Interconnect

Water and Wastewater Capital Improvements Project

Ak Chin Water Reclamation Facility

Ak- Chin Water Reclamation Facility

Downtown Scottsdale Booster Pump Station

Booster Pump Station 179